

So, I moved from England at the end of June to begin to six month work stint in Lima. I graduated from University almost a year previously and had been fervently seeking ‘proper’ jobs that would allow me to move away from my small (though beloved) home town.

I had completed countless job applications between working a couple of jobs locally when I was suddenly offered the Peruvian position – ironically one of the first of a long list of applications I’d submitted. There was a painful amount of procrastination involved before I accepted – for which I am eternally grateful to my patient aunt, sister, mother and friend! Would it help build my CV effectively? Would I be able to survive on an intern’s wage? Or would being in a foreign country infect me with the travelling bug again, causing me to dream of desertion to explore South America instead!?

I expect my employers will be thankful that the latter has not come true and as for the new life….so far, so good!

1 thought on “About”

  1. Hi. Just been staying overnight at Bob & Hilary’s and proud Dad pointed me to your blog. Great writing and a wonderful experience. I hope the shock of wet amd cold West Country not too harsh.



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